
February 06, 2005

Worthy The Lamb!

I absolutely love the song Worthy The Lamb on SoundForth's When Jesus Comes CD.
Here are the lyrics for you:

John Kent (1766-1843)

'TIS the church triumphant singing,
Worthy the Lamb!
Heaven throughout with praises ringing,
Worthy the Lamb!
Thrones and powers before Him bending;
Odours sweet, with voice, ascending;
Swells the chorus never-ending,
Worthy the Lamb!

2 Every kindred, tongue, and nation,
Worthy the Lamb!
Join to sing the great salvation,
Worthy the Lamb!
Loud as mighty thunders roaring,
Floods of mighty waters pouring,
Prostrate at His feet adoring,
Worthy the Lamb!

3Harps and songs forever sounding,
Worthy the Lamb.
Mighty grace o'er sin abounding,
Worthy the Lamb.
By His blood He dearly bought us,
Wandering from the fold He sought us,
And to glory faithful brought us,
Worthy the Lamb.

4 Sing with blest anticipation,
Worthy the Lamb!
Through the vale of tribulation,
Worthy the Lamb!
Sweetest notes, all notes excelling,
On His love for ever dwelling,
Still untold, though ever telling,

Worthy the Lamb!

Posted by micah on February 6, 2005 07:47 PM

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