
November 09, 2006

SCS x 2

Arial view of the hospital and its surrounding buildings.  This includes the original hospital to the right, the new state of the art hospital in the middle and the older hospial building on the left.  The hospitals are the large buildings closest to the water.I had my first appointment at Pain Management Clinic, Portsmouth on November 1 (that is, since I've been back in the Naval healthcare system). The good old Portsmouth Naval Medical Center. I was last there for pain managment three years ago this January. Some of the doctors and nurses remembered me. In fact, the doctor I have there now was one of the doctors who treated me while I was attending BJU.

He has suggested that I try another Spinal Cord Stimulator. Although I'm not keen to go through the process again, he might be right that it worked before and might work better with a new system. He preferes to use a different company than I had before. He believes his brand is tried and true. I will not be having any SCS procedures until January 2007 at the earliest.

Posted by micah on November 9, 2006 08:00 PM

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