March 27, 2006

Days 2, 3, etc. Quotes & Notes

Ligonier Conference 2006
Bought With a Price

I think I initially had the intention of doing my first live-blogging for this conference. But...I ended up just enjoying the fellowship and preaching and not playing with moveable type.

So here are the notes (finally). Keep in mind that these are notes, and not dictations. I tried to catch the main points and came close to catching some of the more helpful quotes in full.

If you read one of these, make it MacArthur's The Pastor and his Flock.

Pre-conferences sessions: The Intimate Marriage
Sproul Jr., Jones, Sproul

Going to God for help with a closed Bible is not consistent with the Bible

You don’t have to be married to be sanctified, but your marriage will contribute to your sanctification

Just as in other relationships, we either properly or improperly reflect Christ in this fallen and watching world


We will spend huge amounts of money and go great distances to get to graduate schools to learn English or history or music, but we will not walk across the living room to find out who our spouse is


The Invisible Church
J. Ligon Duncan III

The Pastor and the Flock
John MacArthur

Someone will say, “Well, he has a pastor’s heart.” A good shepherd is not known by how well he pets the sheep, but by how well he feeds and protects them

Human history is a theater where God can put His saving work on display

Set the truth by the way you teach, drive it home by the way you live

One Body, Many Members
Kenneth Jones

Sinclair Ferguson

It is not really that “heaven comes down and glory fills our souls…” but that we are brought up to the heavens, where glory fills all."

Jesus, Head of the Church
John MacArthur (partial notes)

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
RC Sproul

There exists a real and profound and important unity that all of the differences that we have in denominations cannot overcome. The fervent prayer of the Rigtheous One has been answered. (referring to Jesus’ prayer that we might be one)

Posted by mgemb at 04:25 PM | Comments (1)

March 09, 2006

Ligonier Conference day 1

Here are some of my notes from day one of the Ligonier conference Bought with a Price.

This one is RC Sproul's message on the church as "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic."

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

Posted by mgemb at 11:17 PM | Comments (3)