January 28, 2004

House for Dreaming

Stephanie and I have fallen in love with a little house very near downtown Greer. Lord willing it will be our "Dream House." It's a very quirky, older house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms and an antique door bell. Ample room (and quirkiness) for entertaining other Narnian dreamers. 8o)

There are links to some images in the extended entry.

Lord willing, my uncle will be going through the house with me this Friday to look for any huge negatives. After that, we'll pray some more, and make an offer either Friday or early next week.

We're excited about the opportunity to be a part of downtown Greer and the Greer community. We're also looking forward to the opportunity to have dream-planning meetings there as well. 8o) Thank you for your prayers.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at 11:58 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

January 21, 2004

soul poem

The state of my soul in seventeen syllables:

an enormous life looms
behind small, mundane tasks.
moutains through the grass.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at 03:08 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

January 19, 2004


I haven't talked much about Greer on my blog yet, and this won't be the entry for too much about it. I just needed to get that word to show up on my front page. 8o) It's very inspiring. Reasons? Stephanie and I would like to live there and work there sometime in the next three or four months. I find it all very exciting. 8o)

Feel free to comment if you find any deals on houses or old buildings with Greer addresses. 8o)

Posted by TheIdeaMan at 07:31 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Fire stirring

Odd combination.
(10 sylable haiku). 8o)

Sorry for the "haiku." 8o)
Hopefully I'll get back to writing some serious Japanese poetry again in the near future.

Currently our life is full of things wich I'll be blogging about more in the Family, Life, or Faith categories. 8o)

For now, I'll stick with my current web technologies excitement.

The Lord has brought a good number of projects our way recently. Most of them are just in the planning stages, but all of them look promising. We've got a huge project that should be nearing completion very shortly (special thanks to Mark C. for making it all possible). So, all-in-all the Lord has been providing a great amount of inspiration in the mundane-money category.

In the less mundane, but still very earth-bound arena of technology there have been a good number of inspiring tidbits recently.

ZenCart is a recent branch (new software created from old code) off of osCommerce (a project with great promise, but a slow future). Now that ZenCart is on the horizon, the promise for Open Source commerce systems is very much on the rise (at least as far as I'm concerned).

Mambo Open Source CMS
Mambo held promise before. With the release of version 4.5 it's potential grew. Phil Taylor (a UK based Christian Mambo developer) has recently increased his efforts to create great Mambo components. As far as anyone knows, he's the only full-time Mambo developer. He often reminds me of C.S. Lewis's comment about the "what if the leading science text book were written by a Christian?"

Callisto CMS
And the find for tonight, a virtually forgotten Open Source project called Callisto. Why another CMS? Callisto (from what I've seen) offers some things that Mambo could benefit from. The project is very much in its infancy, and as mentioned before, lacks development and developers. Michael Nachbaur, the core developer, recently posted on the SourceForge forum for his project that he would be returning to it soon.

Callisto is based on another seemingly forgotten Open Source project called AxKit. I'd looked at AxKit in the past because it held similarities to Cocoon (a project that still impresses me). AxKit is based on Perl rather than Java which means it can be hosted easily since it doesn't need the Java Run-time Environment (which in turn saves money on hosting). I haven't tried Callisto yet, and it's been awhile since I attempted to mess with AxKit (I'm extreemly new to Perl). Both projects hold promise if they can only find enough developers.

Lord willing, this inspiration will continue. There is of course plenty to be done in every corner of the globe (and basement), but we've got to start somewhere. 8o)

Posted by TheIdeaMan at 07:28 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 16, 2004


In response to David's Ongoing grace blog entry.

I've been struggling against the "feelings of guilt, shame, and hopelessness that I not only entertain but also feed on." Whenever I fall, I sadly resort to that way of thinking.

Sometimes forgiveness seems to be the hardest thing to swallow when you've failed. Humanly, we want retribution, punishment, at least penance. The fact that we're given Love and forgiveness in exchange for our sins, should leave us in awe and wonder.

Perhaps it's that we don't know what the proper response to that kind of forgiveness is. I tend to hang on to my shame and continue to apologize.

When you find the answer, David, please blog about it, e-mail me, or preach about it. I don't think the two of us are the only ones who face this.

Thanks again, David.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at 02:19 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

January 10, 2004

Where I've been...

In case I've been missed, here's what I've been working on that has kept me from blogging:

  1. BigBlueHat
  2. Crazy Dreamers
  3. Ubertati

I don't consider the first two to be finished yet, but I'll try and blog a little more along the way. 8o)

Posted by TheIdeaMan at 03:38 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack