March 19, 2006

"It's 1:45 am. Do you know where your bearings are?"

So here I am. A description of my current state could include the following items without a sacrifice of integrity:

*Cooped up in my office.

*Thirsty but too lazy to go to the water fountain.


*Beset by the nagging one gets after having planned to get caught up on projects but having fallen flat on his face in unproductivity. That feeling tells me I had better get some homework done fast. That feeling can be likened to a small dachsund who is yapping at your bed at 6 in the morning to let you know that he very urgently needs to go outside. You desire to punt him toward the upper 90 of the doorframe of your bedroom, and perhaps shout "Score" as if you had just secured a winning goal in a soccer game. But you know that if you do not heed his urgent yips you will greatly regret it in the near future.

*Desirous of the cookies back in my apartment but too slothful to walk all the back to my apartment.

*Convinced that if someone were to ask me what is the essence of life, for a reward of $50,000, and I answered "repetition," I would win all or at least a lot of that money.

*Certain that if I were to win a large sum of cash by answering metaphysical questions quickly and succinctly, I would use that money to buy a treadmill. Then when people started deep ontological arguments, I would nod toward the treadmill and wink knowingly.

*Fond of the following items, among other things: Birkenstock sandals, Converse All-Stars, Starbucks coffee, Express Men's Clothing, Mini Coopers, Levi's™ Low-Slung™ Boot-Cut™ Jeans™. Alas, I am revealed to be the sniveling toady of the big corporations.

*Thirstier than I was a few items ago.

*Positive that some but not all of the following attributes, revealed in the preceding paragraphs, will be remedied soon: cabin fever, fatigue, laziness, cynicism, sniveling toadyhood, thirstiness.

Posted by jonsligh at March 19, 2006 01:47 AM

Really. Please.
Mini Coopers will never be cool in the USofA.

Milan is a tomb.

Posted by: Julie at March 21, 2006 03:18 PM

You speak the truth, but your words testify to the sad state America is in. Americans would rather drive commercial transport vehicles embellished with obscene amounts of gaudy chrome.

Let's face it. The American steel industry, steeped in greed, has foisted a diabolical plot on us. Know how they can make us buy their steel? They try to make us grow fond of enormous "Sport"-Utility Vehicles that each require approximately 27 tons of iron ore. Look at some of the ridiuculous vehicles they have convinced us to buy:

*The Ford Excursion (it's actually a schoolbus minus the little stop sign on the driver's side that swings out when the bus is stopped)

*The Hummer (a 4 wheel drive tank with a 3-foot wide center console)

*The Hummer H2 (a Suburban platform with a 3-ton metal box stuck on top of it).

On a different note, is it cold over there?

Posted by: sligh at March 21, 2006 06:39 PM

i usually yell @ ford excursions, hummers, etc.
"buy a smaller car!"
and for me to yell, you know i have all those facts behind the emotions.
forget the hippie tree hugger deep inside me... it's a matter
of fact that those
things are beasts of steel, as you so profoundly (and well-cited,
i assume?)

thanks for the reminder to give OPEC less business
and refuse the brain-washing of american consumerism.
i do approve of the mini-cooper. esp. the baby blue/white ones.
but i'll keep my bug.

Posted by: bud vase included at March 21, 2006 10:45 PM

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