March 29, 2006

depravity, divinity, and poor covers of steve tyler

"The key to understanding and critiquing so much of human culture is total depravity." So if you like watching Simon tear into Buzz from Omaha after he just butchered Aerosmith, read on.

Posted by jonsligh at March 29, 2006 02:58 PM

funniest: "let them hate us, so long as they fear us."

most-convicting-est: "it is not enough to succeed; others must fail"
I think we've talked about this one with regard to grades--i.e. my getting an A really doesn't mean much unless most of the class failed.

This article was great. Trueman's writing makes me envious...
Have you ever read any of his other stuff? I really like his Wages of Spin book.

Posted by: mgemb at March 29, 2006 04:43 PM

He's in an mp3 interview on the nine marks website. Not only can he write, everything he says sounds brilliant because of his accent.

Posted by: jess at March 29, 2006 05:09 PM

um, i'll refrain writing my own article here, but can i point out that you have fallen for just aNoTHeR british stereotype, jess? ;>)
if not the villain, they're the smart ones.

and because of such "brilliant" accents, we stupid americans accept their hand-me-downs and mediocre tv programming in the name of narcissism, reality tv, rights to the pursuit of "happiness" (in the form of money and fame, allegedly), and the relentless desire to jear, mock, and otherwise ridicule those braver (well, perhaps just even stupid-ER) than us to showcase their lack of talents when we keep them to ourselves and merely point and stare from the couch and/or reclining chair...

Posted by: long live jennifer hudson at March 29, 2006 11:36 PM

so i read an AI article @ work today and learned a new word.
a word i'm sad i never knew before:
i grabbed the nearest lagenscheit and found that it means "malicious glee, gloating." in an english dictionary, "pleasure derived from the misfortune of others."
so totally sums up the audition process.
too cruel sometimes, but all-around good-natured schadenfreude fun.

Posted by: just me at April 4, 2006 02:50 AM

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