November 25, 2003

In Response

This blog entry is in response to Jbo's comment on the SunCom entry.

After a wave of big dreams washed over me last week,
I've found myself sitting stairing at the dust in the corner.
Thinking small thoughts.
Producing nothing.

This morning, the Lord brought me to the point of realizing that my current state of mind was sinful. My thoughts have been selfish. Not in that I'm greedy, but in that I'm not giving.

Kammer said it best, "Creativity is one of the most powerful ways to exhibit unselfishness."

I've been sitting here,
not producing,
not acting,
not cleaning,
not improving,

It's not a pleasant place to be.
Like drinking muddy water out of a broken cistern,
I'm thirsty and disatisfied.

All that,
changes now.
This moment.

My hat is over the fence (again). If any of you ever catch me not dreaming, rebuke me. If I'm not producing anything, rebuke me twice. I need your help brothers. Please help Christ purify me by not allowing me to just sit.

No matter what my head wants to think or how disallusioned and frustratied I may feel during the course of today, I'm am going to make my mantra: "By Him all things. Carpe diem corum Deo (seize the day before the face of God)."

How may I help you?

Posted by TheIdeaMan at November 25, 2003 10:49 AM | TrackBack

Tempus fugit. Carpe diem. Coram Deo.

Time flies. Seize the day. Before the face of God.

Posted by: james micah at November 26, 2003 01:43 AM

Even better:

ut sit in omnibus ipse primatum tenens.
carpe diem ergo coram deo.

"That in all things he might have the preeminence."
Seize the day, therfore, before the face of God.

Posted by: james micah at November 26, 2003 02:15 AM

Thank you, Micah.

I'll have to hunt down a Latin pronuciation guide now. 8o)

Posted by: Benjamin at November 26, 2003 08:30 AM

i needed that.

Posted by: key at December 3, 2003 08:40 PM
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