November 17, 2003


Any body out there interested in signing up for SunCom mobile phone service? I've been a member for over a year (special thanks to the UnPlan), and now have the change to refer a friend. If anyone out there's interested and you sign up using my referal code, we'll both get a $35 service credit (according to the coupon I got last week).

If your interested, feel free to let me know.

P.S.: The coupon's good until November 30th, 2003.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at November 17, 2003 09:59 AM | TrackBack

Hey, I like your Hatshop logo.

Good luck on your referral. I'm refraining from using this as a forum to vent...

Posted by: JRC at November 17, 2003 01:10 PM

What's happening at the HatShop?
I haven't heard much, lately.
Let's encourage one another
to good works.
Let's rejoice together
in God's grace.
Let's speak of God's
Let's dream dreams
and make them
to the Glory
of our Glorious
and Sovereign

Posted by: james micah at November 24, 2003 04:01 PM
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