April 05, 2005


Some of the most intelligent people will tell you that humor is nothing more than percieved incongruity.

Tonight upon returning to my room a friend of mine accosted me with a rare treasure he found in the Bob Jones University library (let it be known that not all the viewpionts, opinions, or contents of this book can be fully endorsed by Bob Jones University).

I am unashamed to admit that I read a couple chapters out of this thing. It's actually a rather soberly written little paperback that in many ways reflects the writing style of Dr. Berg with frequent case studies, personal examples, and visual aids (unfortunately it lacks a Biblical world view that I personally appreciate in literature of this nature). The book will be available again in two weeks.

Posted by timf at April 5, 2005 11:17 PM

You make me laugh, Tim. You really do.

Are you going to give us a book report? I myself don't have access to the Mack any longer but would love to find out the knowledge you've gleaned. :)

Posted by: heidi at April 5, 2005 11:45 PM

Ha ha ha I love it tim!! I think some of my friends thought that that was what I was doing a couple of months ago. Cause to them it seemed like "poof" out of nowhere I was dating. Sorry to all of you who I kept in the dark about Kat!
My big question about the book is "what is their version of 'speed'?" I mean are we talking Dating lots of different people with-in a couple of hours..(Aka Bible Conference) or just rushing a relationship along so you engaged after a month? (Aka senior panic) Just wondering what that book is explaining/promoting?

Posted by: ethan at April 6, 2005 09:23 AM

well, mostly it was analyzing problems people have with commitment. Like there's the 'cynic' who had so many bad episodes that they don't believe that "meaningful relationships" exist. Then there is the 'changer' who dates in order to change the person and doesn't give up for months or years. Basically, the idea is that people should see dating as a means to an end, do what you have to in order to figure out if you could marry the person, then (if everything works out) tie the knot.

Interstingly enough, the authors view 'live-in' dating relationships as a bad way to try to test compatability.

Posted by: timf at April 6, 2005 12:59 PM

you have helped me overcome my fears, tim.

thank you so much

Posted by: sarah at April 13, 2005 02:59 PM
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