March 31, 2005


A friend of mine pointed out that I hadn't blogged in a while. I passed him at a brisk pace across a sidewalk. The thing is i really don't have much to say right now. So, yes this is an entry about nothing.

I think the majorty of my mind has become a to do list. I'm constantly crossing things off and writing new things down. Sometimes I eat or remember to say hi to someone. But other than that there really isn't that much going on.

Take the Shakespeare correspondence course from BJU sometime. I enjoyed it. I find that I'm looking forward to seeing Hamlet in a few weeks more than I've ever anticipated seeing a play. And though it is one of the most cliché I do enjoy "Romeo and Juliet" immensly. The way Shakespeare developes the theme of light and dark is delightful. Did you ever notice that the Romeo and Juliet are only on stage together at night? And the tragic nature of the play is set up by beginning the first scene at dusk and ending the play with optamistic morning (unlike "Commedy of Errors" that begins with morning and ends at evening, following the normal course of a day). Even the immagry of the play is largely based on black and white such as Romeo's presence like "new snow on the raven's wing" (Juliet in act III I think) and Juliet as dove among blackbirds (somewhere in the balcony scene). Oh, but I could go on.

Well, there you have it. Try to write about nothing and you get Shakespeare.

Posted by timf at March 31, 2005 09:47 PM

Well, its better than trying to write about Shakespeare and getting nothing.

Posted by: momtoast at April 1, 2005 09:14 AM
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