July 19, 2002

There's no place like home...

Well, we're back. The BritTeam arrived safely into Greenville/Spartenburg Airport at around 6:15 (EST). All our luggage made it safely as well.

It's hard to believe that the trip is actually over. At times I feel like it was all a dream. There's some many things that I've learned. I'm praying that the Lord will not let me forget all the things I've been taught. Please pray for the entire team, that we will not loose the focus that we had on the trip and that we will faithfully share the lessons we've learned with those here in the states.

The world is really a rather small place, and the true Church is the most international organization in the world. "There is neither Jew nore Greek, Barbarian or Scythian, bond or free..." After meeting over five hundred fellow Christians in a completely seperate context from the one I've grown up in, I have come away with a better since of how narrow my understanding of life realy is.

If any of you who read this blog ever have the chance to work with churches in foreign countries, don't hesitate for a moment. Follow that opportunity and if the Lord provides your way there, it will be one of the best things that has ever happened to you.

Call me if you need some more persuading. 8o)

Cheers! 8o)

Posted by TheIdeaMan at July 19, 2002 11:05 AM
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