June 02, 2002

On to Oxford...

We're heading to Oxford tomorrow. The work place of C.S. Lewis! We will be leaving from Brimpton tomorrow at around 9 am GMT (4 am EST). After we arrive and move into the Youth Hostel, we may try and take a train into London for some of the Queen's Jubilee.

We have a full schedule for our time in Oxford. We will be working with a church there as well as one an hour and a half away in Birmingham. We'll be renting a 15 passenger mini-bus for the trip.

The time here in Brimpton has been wonderful.

The Lord has given us many opportunities to be living testimonies of Christ likeness. We have been enjoying our time with the Dotsons. The people here in the church are wonderful as well. Our services have gone well. I was able to give a testimony/challenge on Wednesday night and a sing a solo ("Be Though My Vision") on Thursday night.

Today we did our Mueller script in the morning and Sam Bray preached in the evening. There was a strong gospel message given at the end. Please pray for all the people we've been meeting here. Many of them need the Lord.

Please also pray that God will continue to work in each of the team member's lives. Pray that we will remember constantly that He is sufficient. It is easy (even on a mission team) to focus on the things around you, and not on heavenly things. Pray that the Lord will keep our affections focused above, and that we will all grow in Christ likeness.

Love to you all. 8o)

Posted by TheIdeaMan at June 2, 2002 04:31 PM
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