April 22, 2004

Caught in the vortex

Wow, it's been a really long time since I last posted. Much has happened, in some areas, and little in others. Through it all, I've seen the Lord work, not necessarily in my circumstances, but in my heart. "Trust me. I care for you more deeply than you know." That is the lesson I seem to be faced with at the present time. Not an easy one for someone who likes to know what's in his future.

The answer to the question that I get several times a day. No, I haven't heard from Columbia concerning the job offer. Yes, I'm still in need of employment before July 24th. Please keep praying. This is the area that the Lord's teaching me trust.

On an entirely unrelated note, I'm becoming increasingly dissatisfied with my blog design. Sadly, my design skills aren't what they should be. I am a programmer after all. So...I thought I'd throw this opportunity out to anyone who'd be interested. If any of you graphic designers want to take a blog design in hand, I'd be happy to consider your work. Here's what I'd need.

  • a PNG detailing both the front page and the archives

    My theme is rather tornado-esque, but whirlpools and other vortices are fine too.

  • your name, so I can give you credit/kudos/accolades
  • optional: a design description that I could feature with your design

In fact, if I like multiple designs, I'll probably build a little style switcher so you can flip between them. If you're all too busy, which I suspect is the case, I can totally understand. I'm interested in any and all takers to this little challenge.

Posted by Gabriel at April 22, 2004 09:22 AM

weeeeeeeel, if i knew everything you were talking about i sure would jump at the chance, but since i have NO earthly idea what a PNG detailing both the front page and the archives is i think i will pass this time.

Posted by: hill at April 23, 2004 10:00 AM

I feel summoned, but think about how long it took for the edu PNG, Gabe. :P

Are you willing to keep your blog in design purgatory for that long?

Posted by: Kammer at April 24, 2004 10:49 PM
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