February 28, 2004

First post...

I do hope that eventually this will be a place filled with useful bits of information, both large and small. It will be a little sparse at first, for a couple of reasons. First, I'm still pretty new to this whole idea of a weblog. I've installed MoveableType several times before, but haven't used many of the publishing features. So I'm still learning. Secondly, it often takes me a good long while to find anything worth saying. Hopefully, I can find a few of those things lying around now and then.

There are a few friends of Ben that I'm not acquainted with, so please allow me to introduce myself briefly. My name is Gabriel Egolf. I've known Ben since the Fall of 1998. We were freshmen at BJU together, and have grown to be pretty good friends. That probably has something to do with our similar interests in web technology and design.

Currently, I'm a Web Developer for Bob Jones in charge of a plethora of different things. My professional interests include web programming using PHP and standards based information design using XHTML and CSS. In my personal time, I like to read (I'm working my way through Lewis's Perelandra), play video games, and spend time with my fiancee.

Posted by Gabriel at February 28, 2004 09:29 PM

Nice to have another addition to Ben's Friends, Gabe. I'm looking forward to reading your stuff and maybe gaining some more tech knowledge.

Posted by: apelles at March 1, 2004 11:17 AM

gabe, just remember to get your gaming in before you get married... :)

welcome to the world of blogging :)

Posted by: Valien at March 1, 2004 03:22 PM

Thanks Allen. :) Although ... she's doing pretty well at Halo.

Posted by: Ender at March 1, 2004 03:41 PM
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