October 25, 2006

Sales: listening goes farther than persistence

Just got a call from stamps.com. Nice place. I've used their stuff before, and it's a good idea for someone who mails stuff, but I'm a web developer and don't do a ton of mailing. Repeat, I'm a web developer and don't do a ton of mailing. I guess what saying that to the sales rep who called didn't mean to much.

She was pleasant, which is a good start, but her persistence became annoyance when I said I was in the middle of something and asked her to call me back and she asked me if I could minimize what I was doing. This was after she asked if I had an Internet connected computer and a high speed connection to the Internet. I'm a web developer and don't do a ton of mailing.

If she had listened more, she would have not asked some simple but disconnecting questions, and would have also quickly got me through the process of signing up for the free trial.

To be honest, I was more sold on the free trial by the fact that I typed in samps.com and it took me to the stamps.com site. Now that's worth signing up for a free trial!

Posted by TheIdeaMan at October 25, 2006 02:43 PM | TrackBack

Benjamin, thanks for these recent postings. It's good to hear about your life, even if it's the frustrations. Is that weird?

Posted by: Will at October 25, 2006 04:42 PM

I don't think it's weird in the least. :) It's always nice to know what's going on with people.

Thanks for taking the time to let me know you were "there." :)

Posted by: Benjamin at October 30, 2006 01:24 PM
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