January 15, 2004

looking in on us

wandering wonder
not consumed but curious
do they see, you think?
seventh floor to sidewalk size
i start to stop dodging eyes

her -- in his duster
him -- camos and combat boots
they walk, dodging bikes
sometimes far apart sometimes
clinging to curbs for dear life

crowded restaurant lines
a cashier watching, steady
i keep talking guilt
i see and hear her say "bye"
over the noise. why? walk out

rush into lobby
out of the elevator
waiting, a stranger
5 o'clock shadow at 2
first impulse: "what brings you here?"

like i've known them all
all my life -- or they knew me
angels unaware?
"do right. do" -- it's silent, but
they nod and show it, knowing

Posted by makota at January 15, 2004 03:28 PM
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