October 17, 2003

friday morning awake and aware

When sleep escapes you, your mind will wonder/wander.

Three things about God that I'm thinking about right now.

Everything is under His control, thus everything is His instrument. I'm a Christian, I believe that God's my dad, He's my shepherd and this takes me beyond being merely an instrument, but a child, a cherished object that is still under control by the Master but in a different relationship. I'm not a hammer to God, I'm a loved being.

God's definite desire for us to be perfect. How can fountain put out nasty and pure water and the same time? It can't and it shouldn't. Concerning Joy's blog revolving around Bono and his public mistake, why would he say that. I'm familiar with U2's beginnings and their falling away, I can say that in their first works, the Christian view was there, and it was urgent.

"Angry words won't stop the fight, two wrongs won't make it right, a new heart is what I need, Oh God, make it bleed"

And their music then reflected a heavy, reverent, driving passion and not the bluesy/vague/sexual tone of their later works. But all that to say, at some point in time the majority of the band had their focus on the Lord (who isn't any vaster or more interesting when He's associated with U2, I'm saying that because I want to reiterate that God is all encompassing, He doesn't need a societal crutch to hoist Himself up, HE IS GOD, He's the Lord is and always will be, and is within and without all walks of life, just a reminder :) ) and now there's obviously been, and it's been long in coming, a loss of the true passion. All that to say, my heart isn't exempted from being drawn away too. And I could just as easily end up spouting profanity if I fell away from the Lord. But the concept remains. "This ought not to be so" The pure fountain, the cleansed fountain giving forth rottenness. concerning point one, I'm His instrument anyways, but the child communicates back to the Father. (It makes sense to me, but maybe I'm not forming my words correctly and this whole thing is skewed in many eyes)

Three. God's making us aware of His presence and our relationship by pulling us back. He never let's us stray to far. He hasn't. I've strayed recently, even up to this point. But He's pulling and working and breaking me. Love is what eventually breaks us. God is who He is and He can't be anything else. And this aspect of Him drawing us back and loving us is irresistible. He will have us! Not that He needs us....

That is it. Hope this is encouraging, I'm trying to write without pretense and it's not really that hard when you're up on an early friday morning and slowly realizing that work is coming in less than four hours.... pray pray pray everyone, good things will happen anyway, pray pray pray for each other.

I'm serious, do it. It's the best thing we can do.

To anyone who reads this, I'm always your friend, I'm always willing to talk about anything.

Until next week. :)


Posted by Kammer at October 17, 2003 03:12 AM

Sunday Morning Awake and Aware


I was encouraged by this post, maybe more than I can really tell you in this comment. Thanks for "write[ing] without pretense." It's easy to sound, I don't know...holier-than-thou or scholarly without sensitivity in writing or just careless...especially in blogging.

Thank you for your thoughts, and I will pray for you. Please pray for me. Like you said, "pray pray pray for each other." Something that we Christians need to get back into with our whole hearts.

I am thankful that though I am awake so early, I have the Lord's Day before me and not work!

Posted by: james micah at October 19, 2003 04:30 AM

Blogging is odd sometimes, especially with the format we're using; posting anything that impacts our lives, makes us laugh, affects our field of work, etc. etc.

There's also a tendency to be very honest, even to a higher degree than e-mail, because you really don't know who will read it (and comments aren't that great of an indicator)

If it helped you out, it must be some step in the right direction. I never had the opportunity to meet you in person (I've only heard praise from Byoung of the mighty JBO) so keep blogging and 'menting around here.

I'm praying for you in general and specifically your foot. Be confident that your foot is getting a ton of prayer.


Posted by: kammer at October 20, 2003 06:38 AM
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