November 20, 2004

Saturday work

Today we got the floors sanded down at our new office space. The hardwood should come out looking pretty nice in the end. Jeff Gray came down to help some along with Cory Godbey, Chris Koelle, and Justin Gerard. I think we'll be moving into our studio in about a week or two. As soon as the floors are stained, our desks will be set up in the office.

Ran the Turkey Run at BJU today. Didn't do as well as I would have liked, but I could have been training much more. 3.1 miles in 26:00. Oh well, now I have something to try to beat. But the first mile was my fastest ever, I think.

The short film concept with Cory Godbey is coming along well. The pieces of the story include WWII, a troll who is a postman, and an important package. We're still hammering out the details. A very talented character model builder in Brazil is doing our main character as a maquette for our inspiration and drawing help.

Posted by bmcallister at November 20, 2004 05:04 PM | TrackBack