December 15, 2003

Seminary Sites

Sites of seminaries I believe have valuable and enduring philosophical, systematic theology, or informational contributions.

I believe we live in an expansive evangelical world, and one way (albeit small) to grasp some of the boundaries, assess where current groups are, and just get a general feel for what's out there and what's being said (or not said) is to visit seminaries' web sites. I think there is value and insight in getting a bigger picture than what we're used to and, even if we do not like some of the extremes of that picture, it is good to realize that true Christianity is bigger than our daily sphere of contact and comfort.

This is the second blog with links to pages I think are valuable. In the future, you can find this blog in the "Seminary Sites" link on my sidebar under "Sites of Interest." Please comment any other recommendations to me.

(there are many sites on the internet that are home to great links pages. the reasons i am adding another are multiple. i like the idea of getting all of my own links in one place, of getting your input, and of cataloging what these sites have to offer)

The Master's Seminary
The highlights include a masterfully worded and rock solid statement of faith, a great letter to the prospective student by Pastor John MacArthur that is good advice for looking at any seminary, and some great links to web and seminary resources. A good way to become acquainted with the heartbeat, belief, and history of The Master's Seminary, the site also provides an occasional message good for catching a glimpse of the seminary.
People I know there: Adam Bailie, Brad Norman

Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Virginia Beach
Read their doctrinal statement--with verses linked to mission statement. You can listen to sermons by Dan Davey, president of the seminary and pastor of Colonial Baptist Church. There is a great page on Colonial, listing their distinctives, doctrine, ministries, and missions that is good philosophy and church ministry stuff. They also have some neat, extensive PDF files of PowerPoint slides on Hebrew grammar (the alphabet, syllables, vowels, nouns, articles, prepositions, adjectives, pronouns, suffixes, construct, numbers, verb intro, qal perfect, and review and parsing sheets) and Hermeneutics.
People I know there: Will Lee

Reformed Theological Seminary
Relates the founding, distinctives, and purpose of this non-denominational, Reformed seminary. Find out about the distance-learning options of the "Virtual Campus," as well as the degrees, courses, and faculty of the five campuses--Jackson, Miss; Orlando, FL; Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; Washington, DC. You can also find their online store and subscribe for free to their quarterly magazine, Reformed Quarterly.
People I know there: Cristy Atkins (marriage and family therapy), Jason Cornwall (mdiv, i think)

Bob Jones University Seminary
Couched within the BJU website, there are several pages on the mission, faculty, and programs offered.
People I know there: me, scores+

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Located in Louisville, KT, the mission statement of the seminary is, "Under the lordship of Jesus Christ, the mission of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is to be totally committed to the Bible as the Word of God and to be a servant of the churchesof the Southern Baptist Convention by training, educating, and preparing ministers of the gospel for more faithful service." The site offers two excellent documents (both available in PDF and a quick way to collect some systematic theology), one the school's Abstract of Principles and the other the confession of the SBC called Baptist Faith and Message, as well as Al Mohler's presentation of the "core values" of the seminary and some philosophy scattered throughout the site. Some other good resources are found in the publications link, such as The Southern Seminary Magazine (free subscription and PDF downloads), select articles from The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, and a list of 600 books deemed "must haves" for a theological library. Site also contains the usual description of classes, distance ed, and online possibilities, as well as the school handbook.

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
Read their statement of faith, visit the church's web site, and check out the healthy amount of resources ranging from PDF's of the seminary journal, mp3's of assorted sermons, and a newsletter you can subscribe to.

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
The only exposure I have to Trinity is from some of their current professors by way of books and sermons; however, what I've experienced has been extremely positive. They offer some distance opportunities that could make it possible to get those teachers, from the likes of Kaiser, Moo, and D.A Carson.

Posted by apelles at December 15, 2003 09:39 PM
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