February 17, 2006

Victorious Seahawks?

Have you noticed that the winning team at the Superbowl each year receives a championship cap and t-shirt? There are companies that make 800 of these shirts and caps for EACH team BEFORE the big game. So obviously one team doesn't get theirs. There are 2 options for these 800 shirts. 1- They are donated to African countries in need of the clothing. 2- They are discarded.

I was sent the following article.

African Child Loves His ‘World Champion Seahawks’ T-Shirt
KAMPALA, UGANDA—10-year-old Akello Semesseke, wearing the new "World Champion Seattle Seahawks" T-shirt given to him Tuesday by an anonymous NFL-licensed promotions manufacturer, expressed his gratitude for the gift while admitting he was not familiar with the sport of American football. "The Seahawks must be as generous of heart as they are victorious on the field of whatever sport they play to share their clothing with us," said Semesseke, whose entire village was given one each of the teal and gray shirts, with one exception. "My father refused his new shirt," Semesseke explained, "because although he did need one, he felt it would be disrespectful to the World Champion Eagles, who kindly gave him both a shirt and cap last year." Semesseke added that if the Seahawks had included 80 cents a day along with the shirt, he could eat.

Posted by micahellis at February 17, 2006 09:06 AM

thats great, very amusing:)

Posted by: jon ellis at February 17, 2006 10:50 AM
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