April 24, 2005

I Quit Youth Ministry Yesterday

The following is an excerpt from the book, "Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry," by Doug Fields.


I quit youth ministry yesterday.

I got tired of hearing about how I needed to make sure those youth behave during the worship service like I am the church bouncer.

I got tired of parents who dont live Christian lifestyles and expect me to mold their kids in the few hours a week we have them and then when the kids scew up, the fault is the youth ministry not being deep enough.

I got tired of those kids who play the game of being spiritual, but then live like they have never heard of Jesus.

I got tired of adults who do not have a clue about youth ministry but have an outline of how I should do my Job.

I got tired of people not respecting the youth ministry calendar by scheduling the facilities and taking them away from students.

I got tired of the people who believe the way we did church in 1948 worked and that it should work today.

I got tired of people who have complaints but instead of going to those with whom they have beef, they make phone calls to gripe to dozens of other people in the congregation.

I got tired of people who do not spend personal time with the Lord (by their own admission) but yet they think they should run the church.

I got tired of people who keep asking me when I am going to pastor my own church and become a "real" minister.

I got tired of people who think youth workers cant be trusted and need constant supervision.

I got tired of working late and people thinking that is what I should do.

I got tired of people asking, "What do you do all day when the kids are in school?"

I got tired of all the times that I failed and felt so inadequate to do this job.

Bottom line.... I just got tired of being tired all the time!

However, I was smart enough not to tell anyone that I quite. I went home, spent some time with my family (and did not burden them with my quitting), spent some time in prayer and got a good nights sleep. I am back on the job today. I have read Ephesians 6:13 and am steadfast that I will remain standing (and not quite).

Those same people who I was tired of yesterday are still in my life, but somehow God has given me the grace to love them today. I am grateful for having the best job in the world, the opportunity to be used of God as a conduit for his grace to influence young lives. I am so glad that when I quite on God yesterday, that he refused to quite on me.

Today, I am making a commitment to last because what God has called me to do is too important to quite.

Your friend and (still) fellow youth worker,


Posted by micahellis at April 24, 2005 03:40 PM

Dear Brian,
Thank You for your honesty. Thank you for your inspiration to me tonight as I sit alone in my office after another night at youth group. Thank you for reminding me that I have THE BEST job in the world even if I can't always "have it MY way." Thank you Brian for reminding me it's not just a job but a calling and an honor to serve Jesus' young one's. Thank you Lord and Thank you Brian for reminding me that it's not about me, It's about God and His children. Thank you God for giving me grace when I blow it royally. And finally Brian thank you for reminding me that I have a family at home right now and the mess that we made tonight can wait until tommorrow.
Peace & Grace,
A fellow seed planter,
Mark K.

Posted by: Mark K. at August 7, 2005 08:29 PM

Dear Brian
I appreciate your honesty. I am in that boat right now. in fact i am sitting here going over my resignation. God has blessed our youth group tremendouesly, and i couldnt of asked for a better church. But i am so tired,spiritualy, mentaly, phisicaly. i have really been searching my options for 2 years now. And i have decided to get out of ministrie. I am business owner as well. And I have decided to futher my business. Do you have any sug.

Posted by: Chad at January 4, 2007 02:42 AM

kudos on going back. after 11 years and 3 churches i'm done. im not going back.

Posted by: rob at January 11, 2007 04:54 PM

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Posted by: Bialy at August 17, 2009 08:01 AM
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