March 11, 2004

Quick thoughts on MVC

Beyond MVC: A New Look at the Servlet Infrastructure got me thinking about the MVC design pattern again.

Of late, most of my work has been with PHP-based Open Source projects. Each of them incorporate different design patterns. Most of which prove to be frustrating at some level.

Having worked with Cocoon, I remember well the advantages and disadvantages of an MVC like structure. The concepts talked about in the article helped put some pieces of the puzzle back into place.

I'd been hoping for an MVC focused PHP framework, but after reading the article I'm rather glad there isn't one. There does need to be some framework though. At least, I'd like to have one.

The DataSource, Action, Workflow concept would carry over fairly well. The ideas are cementing themselves in my mind, and there are some definite conclusions on the horizon.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at March 11, 2004 01:33 PM | TrackBack
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