February 16, 2004


This morning I ran across some scum in the guestbook of one of the Mambo sites I frequent. Paulo, the owner, is a good template designer. I e-mailed him about the scum and he removed it promptly. In his reply, he sent me a free copy of one of the templates he normally sells (Peek Sys Blue).

Gratitude is a wonderful and very inspiring thing.
Thank you, Paulo.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at February 16, 2004 01:59 PM | TrackBack


Have you had any issues with creating template designs in mambo using dreamweaver and the / issue regarding images?

In other words, images don't show up in dreamweaver, but when you publish it on mambo they do and vice versa.

Posted by: Valien at February 19, 2004 02:47 PM
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