February 02, 2004


After the news was "kind enough" to make the nation aware (at least the non-super-bowl-watching-portion) of another Jackson family social disturbance, I began to ponder the needs of our nation(s) and how society might be changed for the better.

Sometime last year a girl named Sarah gave a speech at BJ about the generation that began in the early 1980's called the Millennials (formerly Gen Y, Gen Next, Nexters). According to her profile the Millennials are a promising bunch. Their desires seem (at least) to be more morally focused.

In pondering the Millennials (particularly in contrast to the Jackson family and the much less than honorable talking heads), I came to the notion that something should be done to equip this generation that seems to hold so much promise. Changing the current "ruling" generation has proved to be an up hill fight since they are prone to believe anything and have no problem with embracing opponents under the flag of pluralism and a stretched definition of tolerance.

My thoughts are these:
1. The Millennials are just getting started. The eldest of the bunch are just turning 24 this year.
2. They need help. Millennials are looking for the Truth. Those who have it need to willingly give it (not force it, but offer it in Love). They'll also need equipping to make things change.
3. The Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers are loosing their respect in droves. They seem to be rather glad about it as it makes for good ratings and entertaining news (for those of the same lack-creeds who enjoy that which used to be shocking).

In the coming year Truth has an opportunity to make it into the lives of Millennials in a way it hasn't (and possibly won't) in the future. While the democrats have their high school class elections and "adults" leave their leadership roles to enjoy their junior high fantasies, the Millennials are increasingly disgusted.

This is no random idea.
This is an opportunity not to be wasted by Christ's Body.
The 60's and 70's were a failure because the Church yelled demands and complaints at a questioning generation instead of answering and leading.
We won't let that happen again.

The Idea
Millennials.com is owned by a man who understands at least the marketing promise his domain holds. He has placed his snail mail address on his web site for interested parties to write to. If he likes the idea presented, he will consider renting the space to a promising organization or company.

This is one domain of many we could use.
There is a growing list of web site opportunities in my head that we could use to change this nation one last time before the return of Christ our King.

If you're interested, please leave a comment.

Also, please keep blogging for the same reasons.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at February 2, 2004 09:00 AM | TrackBack

Well said.

But please don't forget, in every generation there are those who have consistently held the standard high and given the truth in love. That's why so many Millennials are seeking the truth. They wouldn't know to seek it if someone hadn't been "salt" and "light" before them in the midst of encroaching decay.

Please don't let the "talking heads" and "adults" that are so publicly displayed in the media be your sole criteria for measuring those who have gone before. The "salt" that has preserved what's left of the moral fabric of our nation is still salty. We may not be in the news, but we are on our knees praying for the next generation who is taking up the torch and we are sharing what God continues to teach us with those He leads us to influence. The "light" that has shone consistently in a dark world pointing the way for you is still burning brightly in communities and churches around our nation. Don't let the bright lights of Hollywood and media news diminish the value of the steady glow of dedicated baby boomer and Gen-X Christians standing and growing where they have been planted by the Lord.

May this zeal God has placed in your hearts burn brightly. May it bring revival to those whose lives you touch. May it spread the truth of God's gift of salvation to those who need to hear.

Posted by: Aratur at February 2, 2004 10:42 AM

We'll need the help of "salty" Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers more than anything. It's true that without them there wouldn't be a place for the Millennials to turn.

The Millennials will need help, encouragement, and leadership from the previous generations.

Thank you for the reminder. 8o)

Posted by: Benjamin at February 2, 2004 10:49 AM

make a difference? usher in the kingdom? any room for someone who wants to be a full-timer?
i realize i didn't comment right away, but it's not from lack of desire for a Cause. i'm in for anything. i've got limited time but great resources available now, i've got time coming up this summer without some of those resources, and i've got a nice move planned that has to play into something somehow. :-)

Posted by: apelles at February 4, 2004 08:16 PM
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