December 22, 2003

Plenty to be thankful for

Like Joy (karagraphy: never a dull moment), the last few days of my life have been full of interesting circumstances.

The first one was my connection to the Net was down for almost two days (puts a damper on things when your a professional web designer).

The second a site that I've been working on for months that is very near completion is now in accessible due to some unexplained problem that was recently fixed for all the domains except the one I need.

The strange thing is that I'm not discouraged, frustraited, nor even afraid (though I was tempted to be this morning).

It's very strange, and wonderful, that we truly can have a peace that passes understanding based in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing that His steadfast Love endures forever changes everything.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at December 22, 2003 03:20 PM | TrackBack
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