July 16, 2003

Too many options, but not quite enough

I'm hunting for a Web Content Management System. I'm finding that it's a lot like buying a house or a car. There are trillions of choices, and many of them are good. I'm still looking for the one that's the perfect fit (right price, well built, expandable).

The difference between buying a CMS and buying a house is that I plan on reselling the CMS I find. I hope to customize it for each of my customers so that it fits there needs. Eventually, I'd like to by selling CMS's too.

If there are so many CMS's, why in the world would I want to join the throng? It's probably the same reason many of the other people started their CMS's. I'm having trouble finding one that meets all my needs (or at least gives me the ability to meet my needs when I have more time and money). I'm pretty sure that the one I build won't meet everyone's needs, but I hope it comes close. 8o)

Posted by TheIdeaMan at July 16, 2003 11:01 AM | TrackBack
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