September 08, 2009

Let's play catch up

Let me apologize again to everyone: I am *not* a writer so it takes me forever to write something down.

Work is interesting. My favorite part of the job is being on the boat giving the spiel. I have adopted the character of hyper Tour Guide Barbie with way too much excitement. The guests respond and leave my boat smiling. Only thing is that it takes a lot out of me because I am on an adrenaline high during the trip so on my breaks I am down for the count. Then I also work the land positions and it is on the land positions that I get super frustrated because people leave their brains at home when they come on vacation. But I am trying to stay positive about everything.

Sunday was amazing. I *love* the church I'm going to down here. I *love* it. If you haven't read my post where I try to describe how things happen in the services please go back and do. God gave me that church to restore my soul. Working in this secular environment has made me appreciate being fed at church so much more.

I'm exhausted right now. I'll hopefully post some more tomorrow. Hopefully.

Posted by Fae at September 8, 2009 02:26 AM
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