July 18, 2005

Overture to My July

My life is a roaring prestissimo with aptly placed largos and adagios that soften the rush. It is funny to me how themes repeat in life.

The other morning at my petty-cash job a coworker and I discussed lunch plans. This is routine because there are about fifteen restaurants within the half-hour lunch break radius. We separate at lunch and report back with critiques on the latest find. I hit the local 'Roly-Boly,' a wrap joint that manages to work a chunk of avacado into every menu item. My coworker had more trouble singling one out from the list. So he let his stomach do the walking. He had a huge ice cream sundae from a new place just across the parking lot. His justification?

"I guess since I'm an adult now I can do all the stuff that I wanted to do as a kid."

It made me laugh because I do the same stuff for the same reason. The more I think about it the more I believe that either discretion is lost on my generation or our parents are losing out on the finer things in life. Last week a lady eyeing my housemate's buggy at the local 'Sam's Club' politely intoned that the items he had collected weren't food. The root-beer, pringles, easy-mac, lunchmeat, and cinnabuns seemed pretty good to me (don't worry, mom, I made a zuccini on red beans and rice sauté last week for a dinner party; I promise that I'm not mal-nourished).

The next adagio is scheduled for the 28th when I stop working at my petty-cash job. My coworker already beat me to the door. He's been running an internet server out of his bedroom since he was in high school. It recently started paying the school bill. I've decided to stop because I just picked up my second dream job and I don't want to shelve Christmas ornaments much longer (yes, they started decking the aisles about a month ago!). The two jobs make up a beautiful fugue in my schedule. Dream Job the First is with 3K which is far too awesome to describe; great clients, great coworkers, great relationships. Then I'll be designing websites for a local collective of marketers, programmers, designers, and internet yogi. My boss's office is the 'Atlanta Bread Company' on South Pleasantburg RD. I've taken the 'Underground' as mine (the mexican mocha is the latest flavor of choice).

I think the marked advantage to being an adult as opposed to being a child is that you can opt out.

Thursday was hide-and-seek night among the kids at the apartment complex (boys against girls of course). Scott and Sean were team captains because they had walkie-talkies. But the girls were greater in number so we lost. We filled the remainder of the night with ghost stories and chewed on ice in the heat of the South Carolina night. The prolonged chorus of cicadas were our day's evensong and matin.

Crescendo and...


Posted by timf at July 18, 2005 07:14 PM

Life is good! So are you going to buy me dinner to celebrate the start of that second dream job? :) I'm glad that God is blessing you so!
Hey, let me know when you play hide-and-seek again...

Posted by: Tom at July 19, 2005 08:48 AM
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