February 07, 2005

For Posterity Sake

Gramee made the best gravy. I don't know how she did it. Every time that we had meals at her house we'd slather the stuff all over whatever we were eating — even simple white bread. But, like most culinary miracles, the gravy was a family secret that wasn't passed down in time. All we know is that she sifted her flour.

So, for the sake of sharing something awesome, here is the pesto recipe that my family has adopted. The instructions are easy to follow. The hang-up may be the prep time. We usually spend a saturday making several batches and then freeze what we don't eat right away in ice cube trays for later. They preserve well for about a year.

1 cup (8 little plastic containers) Basil leaves (minced)
4 cloves Garlic (minced)
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
salt & pepper

throw it all in a cuisinart until you've got a thick, chunky paste. We like to have it on triscuits but you can put it on a nice bed of angel hair pasta or whatever.

Posted by timf at February 7, 2005 04:43 PM
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