January 19, 2005

Thoughts at the End of the Day

It feels like so much for me has returned to a degree of normalcy. I'm back at BJUPress designing and building books. I'm in classes again just chipping away at my bachelors degree. I have the occasional cup of tea in the morning before charging forward into the great white day.

In the middle of this relative peace my focus has shifted to the near future. I'm realizing more and more each day that the time I so casualy spend with friends will pass. I'm preparing for the great plunge into the "real world." I'm very excited about my prospects and over the chances God will give me to use the talents and pleasures that He's given me.

Dr. Mazak spoke in chapel today about choosing your vocation. Ever true to his reputation, he chose a route that most never tread. The simple question derived from II Peter was, "How can you best glorify God and serve His church with your skills and interests?" There was no mystical jargon about discovering a "calling." He didn't touch on personality tests or how to determine your spiritual gift. The simple truth of it spoke well enough.

Posted by timf at January 19, 2005 09:58 PM
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