December 11, 2004

a tough-ee

Curiosity drives me to ask:

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

I've known people of both types that can communicate perfectly and live relatively "normal" lives.

In spite of my desire to pursue a career in visual communications I have to say I'd rather be blind than deaf. I'll probably tell you why later.

Posted by timf at December 11, 2004 12:03 AM

hmm... is neither an option? I think I would rather be deaf. You can still see to read and there is always sign language. Music is a big part of my life, so it would be tough...

Posted by: Tom at December 11, 2004 09:18 AM

I personally think blindness would be preferrable to deafness. I think it would be intensely difficult to sharpen the other senses to compensate for the lack of the most-used sense; I think rising to that challenge would be immense. I think that it would force you to relate to the world in a completely different way; it would be a completely life-altering change, and deafness affects less of your life. I think both would change you into becoming more introspective, but I also think blindness, more than anything else, teaches (rather, forces) you to trust other people.

Posted by: froc at December 11, 2004 11:34 AM

this is going to sound wierd since i'm an artist and by default, very visual..but...I would rather be blind.
I don't think I could ever stand being cut off from the human voice.

Posted by: gwen at December 11, 2004 08:45 PM

Though I love music and "hearing" other people, etc. (and this post has made me think that we should all appreciate our faculties more than we do), I'd rather be deaf. For one thing, I love watching people. I can go for days without "speaking." But who knows (aside from those who've experienced one, the other, or both on various levels) what either really or truly feels like? Both must come with frustrations and, yes, even blessings. And I think (from what I've heard) that there is much more to each of our senses than most of us who possess all of them in good working order have ventured to find. But that wasn't the question, so I'll shut up ;o)

Posted by: jen d at December 13, 2004 12:43 PM

I'd rather be blind because it is easier to connect on so many levels with the fellow man. I prefer human interaction through sound rather than through sight. So simply put, I'm with Gwen on this one.

Posted by: timf at December 16, 2004 12:23 AM
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