September 04, 2004

Little Books

The minor prophets had so much to say and said it so well. I'm amazed at the potency of the message God sent through them.

Hosea, Joel, Amos, and Ezekiel had a great deal to say about the judgement and anger of God toward idolatrous Israel. Each of them relate similar impending dooms over repeated spiritual adultery. But God inspired each prophet with slightly different nuance; their messages and sermons highlight many facets of sin that were unknown to me.

The most potent and sobering picture of sin (pointed out by none other than the Kammer himself, who always seems to find really amazing stuff and have truly thought-provoking spin on it) that I've seen hides in the 23 chapter of Ezekiel. God lays it all on table for Israel as He sees her actions. It is a graphic description of what Israel, and perhaps we, allow ourselves to participate in every day.

To understand God's expresed perspective on sin is life changing.

Read the minor prophets when you get a chance.

Posted by timf at September 4, 2004 05:35 PM

yes, the minor prophets are truly amazing (and often neglected) books. i am saddened that you all who are in school now do not have the privilege of taking dr. barrett's class on these books. it was truly wonderful.

Posted by: kurt at September 5, 2004 09:21 PM

COOL! Do you know if he has any tapes? I'd love to see your notes!

Posted by: timf at September 13, 2004 02:22 PM
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