December 05, 2005

Favorite Christmas Verse

I've never been really big into claiming a "life verse" or even a favorite passage of Scripture, but recently I came across a pretty cool verse. Just out of tradition I think it's fun to read the Christmas story over and over during December and I was reading Luke and in 2:14 it says. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (ESV). I've read this a million times before but this time, after another year of learning, found such joy and hope in that song! It's interesting to me that the first story that Genesis gives after the Fall is the story about Cain and Able (and the Bible is historically selective for emphasis like any other work of history). Cain did not glorify God and because of that there was not peace with his brother. I think this story is probably the most poignant expression of man's state after the fall. It's awful. THEN on top of that is added the law, which can be summed up in love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, and mind and your neigbor as yourself, to show us sin. There is no way that we are able to do that. It's a curse and a HOPELESS situation. But there was a promise, even before Cain. Then, after a LOOOOONNGGG time, came the "offspring" that would redeem man. at that point the angels sing “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (which is a better translation than "on earth, peace, goodwill towards men."). For those who are found in God's favor-those found in Christ- there is Glory for God and Peace with men! I guess I was just excited because it is more than a cute phrase that goes on a banner and hangs on the communion table at the front of the church sanctuary. LIFE HAS PURPOSE AGAIN! merry christmas Posted by jfink at December 5, 2005 07:46 PM

It's reminds me of Ecclesiates 9:7&8 (ESV), that now is the time for doing right because God has chosen to love us; not because of our deeds, but because we are Christ's.

Posted by: timf at December 13, 2005 02:53 PM


Posted by: dddd at June 2, 2008 07:54 PM


Posted by: dddd at June 2, 2008 08:00 PM
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