September 02, 2004

Such excitement....or not?

I am back at work in a new position after about a six-week break. Home is really where I would prefer to spend my time, but the financial remuneration that comes from staying at home is somewhat limited so, since I have bills to pay, I have chosen to return to the world of working adults. Actually, I don't do much work. My new title is "Computer Lab Manager", which sounds important, but really isn't. I answer questions (when there are any) and make sure the printer has paper in it. Yesterday, after a week and a half of looking at the smudged, square faces of the 28 computers in this room, I dragged out the alcohol wipes and scrubbed them all down. I scrubbed monitors, keyboards, mice, tables, you name it, it got cleaned. I now have the most sanitary computer lab on the face of the earth!

Besides cleaning everything in sight, I also have the opportunity to meet people. Lots of really "different" people. In the short time I've been here, I have discovered that some of the most threatening looking guys get the shakes when faced with navigating their way around a computer. They strut through the door like they own the place, but when they sit down in front of that keyboard, their entire demeanor changes. They glance around the room to see if anyone is watching or listening and then quietly slide over to where I'm sitting and ask for help. It's one of the most fascinating transformations I think I've ever witnessed.

There is one lady who came in the first day I was here needing a lot of coaching. She's been in the lab almost daily since, and always parks at the computer next to mine. She really no longer needs my help, but we have a good time discussing our classes (we have the same speech teacher) and just chatting. I am hoping and praying that I will eventually have the opportunity to share Christ with her.

I also have a lot of time to read. I have practically memorized the first three chapters in my speech and psychology textbooks. If I don't get a decent grade out of these two classes, it won't be because I haven't read the material!

This morning I read Beneth Jones' book "Ribbing Him Rightly". What a great little book, one I should have read and applied years ago. There are a number of other books on our shelves at home that I have never taken time to read because I've always been too busy. I'm beginning to think that God has moved me out of the stress-filled office environment I once occupied to a place where I can spend some time refueling and sharing His love with others around me.

Posted by lsegolf at September 2, 2004 02:42 PM

i read "ribbing him rightly" once for fun. it was very good. it is so cool to see how you can use that book for not only married relationships but also just friendships. it taught me a lot that i didn't know.

Posted by: hill at September 2, 2004 04:40 PM


you need to post more. =) i love reading your stuff.

Posted by: hill at September 8, 2004 04:37 PM

Yeah, yeah, you need to come over once in a while. We're trying new dishes for dinner these days! I had a cooking fit on Monday. The house had a wonderful fragrance to it.

Posted by: eMom at September 8, 2004 09:04 PM
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