November 28, 2005

A Thanksgiving like no other (for us)

For the first time in two years, Darla and I made the trek to SC for Thanksgiving with both of our families. The festivities started on Wednesday night, when we announced to both sets of parents that May would bring our first baby! Our desire for a big celebration on the occasion of our fifth wedding anniversary has been decided: the baby's due date is one day before our anniversary.

We'd known for months that a baby was coming, and we wanted to tell the grandparents first, in person. We'd been dying to tell someone, so sharing our news was a great relief and an exciting time. On Thursday, we shared the news four times, with various groups of family. The Thanksgiving announcement came 27 years after my parents made a similar announcement at the family Thanksgiving banquet.

Already Darla has been to the doctor twice. Once was to get confirmation of the pregnancy. At that visit, she was surprised to get an ultrasound of the 8-week, 6-day baby. The ultrasound showed a strong heartbeat and moving arms and legs. Below is the more defined of two images she brought home. The baby's head is on the left of the image, with rather clear arms and legs just where they should be.


The second visit, at 11 weeks, allowed Darla to hear the baby's heartbeat, pumping away at 168 beats per minute.

This post may signal a change to my entries on this blog; as you can see, we've got a cute kid coming. We're excited!

Posted by JRC at November 28, 2005 06:12 PM | TrackBack