September 01, 2005

To the classroom

In honor of all my family members and fellow bloggers who have recently returned to the classroom, either as teachers or as students, I am also going back to the classroom -- for today only, though.

At noon today, I'll be speaking to the photojournalism class at the local high school. I actually thought it was Friday, but the date got moved a couple times and it's today. That leaves me less than prepared. I've got plenty of thoughts swirling around in my head, and I've got a vague plan. I plan on a lot of interaction, since it'll be a small class, but other than that I've got four hours to figure out more of what I'm going to do.

That being said, I look forward to the opportunity, because I realize that I can be an ambassador for our newspaper and the craft of (photo)journalism.

Oh, and mother, forgive me. I have not prepared a lesson plan.

Posted by JRC at September 1, 2005 07:54 AM | TrackBack