July 29, 2005

Catching up

A couple weeks ago I finally got my craving satisfied. My lovely wife went in search of a root beer float for me since I'd been denied so many times. I enjoyed the float, but I really appreciated her kindness.


Darla's brother is back in the states after his missions trip to Great Britain. He arrived safe and sound and on time. I hear he's got a fair number of photos, but I haven't seen them yet.


For the first time in years, I have shelf space for all my books. My main bookshelf is a six-foot pressed wood specialty, which I bought with allowance money (i.e. not too recently). We got another cheap bookshelf, this one a short one, a few years ago. It almost met the space needs, but not quite.

Our building at work has been remodeled, and they've been getting rid of old furniture as the new furniture arrives. So I was able to lay claim to the sorry looking book shelf that had been in my office. It's about four feet tall, and rather wide; it's bigger than our small one and not as big as the tall one.

It was all scuffed and decrepit, but it turned out to be made of real wood--something very light...balsa? I touched up some of the scuffed areas and we painted it glossy black last weekend. Turns out it's a sharp looking piece of furniture now.

Posted by JRC at July 29, 2005 11:12 AM | TrackBack