July 07, 2005

Attack: BBC In-depth

If you haven't clicked on the link in my Brit Team post to the BBC News page about the London terrorist attacks, I urge you to check it out. The link goes to a page dedicated to covering the horrible attack, and it's packed with useful and impressive information.

Reporters' log: BBC reporters are continually sending in brief reports from the field, covering a variety of angles on the tragedy in three- or four-paragraph dispatches, likely sent via Blackberry devices or something like that. These snippets are more informative than the updated and recycled wire stories.

Eyewitness accounts: A page that features written accounts from eyewitnesses and responders. Also has links to videophone footage, which I did not follow.

Readers' photos: A small, but growing gallery of photos made by those in and around the bombing sites. Some stunning visuals, thanks in part, I'm sure, to camera phones.

In pictures: Another photo gallery. This one is a mixture of "professional" photojournalists' work and some of the "civilian" images.

Interactive map: This interactive map helped me get a better feel for what happened in the four bombings. It definitely cleared out the muddle of the early TV reports that showed seven sites (due to victims and rescuers at Underground stations at both ends of bomb sites, I'd guess).

Posted by JRC at July 7, 2005 04:48 PM | TrackBack