October 22, 2004

A pleasant surprise

Yesterday morning, I was scanning our area's daily newspaper, which is owned by the same family as our weekly. There on the front of their local section, I found one of my stories that had appeared in our weekly issue the day before. It wasn't the first time I'd seen my work in that paper. (Unfortunately they shortened my story, introducing errors and removing my first references to a source or two...)

In the evening, I turned on our pitiful local TV news station, and lo-and-behold they did a story on the same topic--checking your deer kill over the phone instead of toting it to a game check station. They used a source who was in favor of the new system whereas my sources were against it. Nonetheless, they got the idea from my article in the daily paper; the TV station has a reputation for doing that.

It's rewarding to see other news outlets picking up the story I worked on, but I have to laugh. The funny thing to me is that it's not that new a story; other newspapers have mentioned it, but my so-so story seemed to be the first that these other places had heard of the new phone system.

Posted by JRC at October 22, 2004 12:21 PM | TrackBack