July 21, 2004

Total loss


I rolled out of bed at 4:30 this morning for a fully-involved house fire in a town down the road. I had actually slept through the initial tones for the FD, but I woke up when our FD was called to assist several minutes later.

Our FD had already sent an engine to cover the other department's fire station, but I was on the road before the tanker responded to the scene from our station. I let them pass me on the way in.

The fire, which was up a narrow gravel road in a mountain hollow, destroyed a home. Thankfully all the occupants were safe. I parked at the head of the road on the shoulder so that I wouldn't cause congestion on the road. Made me glad to have a flashlight for the long, dark hike in.

In an interesting side note, a man from our church who works for the power company was there too, making sure there were not any live wires down at the fire scene. It was nice to chat with him. If I hadn't felt a little under the weather, we might have gone to breakfast afterward.

Posted by JRC at July 21, 2004 09:40 PM | TrackBack