May 26, 2004

Three years ago today...

...Darla and I were married. Seems like such a short time, but also a long time (in a good way). We have lived by faith and grown as a result. I think some of my past blog posts reflect that. (I hope they have, anyway.)

Last weekend we took a quick weekend trip to celebrate our anniversary. I hope to post on that later, when I have a little more time.

So, for any of the single readers out there...I hope this post doesn't discourage you. Instead, be wise when your time comes. Choosing the right mate is a crucial decision.

Prov. 18:22
Prov. 19:14
Ecc. 4:9-10

For those soon to be wed, remember to live selflessly. That will smooth out a lot of wrinkles.

Posted by JRC at May 26, 2004 04:55 PM | TrackBack