January 07, 2004

That's bureaucracy?

While researching for a story, I came across a funny item in a National Park Service report. I was looking through daily reports that go to Rangers all over the country. The reports contain news briefs of incidents on Park property all over the country.

What I found was a correction, listed below. (I have cut out some of the report for length's sake.)



Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, NIFC, FLETC
Ranger Activities Division Information Network�

Day/Date:��Wednesday, December 1, 1993�

Broadcast:��By 0900 EDT�

4) Clarification - Mount Rainier was inadvertently moved to Oregon on
yesterday's morning report (93-829).� A quick call to the West Coast
revealed that the mountain is still in Washington, and that the incident
actually took place at Crater Lake.� We regret the error.� No need to send
any more witty cc:Mail messages, thank you.


I knew they *moved* the Alamo, but I'd not heard this story.

Posted by JRC at January 7, 2004 10:00 PM