December 30, 2003

No more pressure-treated lumber?

I generally feel pretty-well plugged in, having ready access to the print versions of three local daily newspapers, as well as the Washington Post. I also read news online to supplement that.

So when I saw an article on Yahoo News that a 22-month process to phase out pressure-treated lumber ends this week, I was surprised.

Apparently, the chemicals used in pressure-treated lumber to prevent wood from decaying include arsenic, which is BAD.

How can such a large industry lose such a chunk of business due to government regulation without much hue-and-cry? And with all our modern technology, how can there not be a suitable alternative?

So what does one do in the meantime for construction projects that call for pressure-treated wood? Playsets, decks, fences, etc. will all be constructed with wood that rots fairly quickly.

I guess the creosote-soaked railroad ties become a hot seller now.

Posted by JRC at December 30, 2003 09:27 PM