January 25, 2006

New Website Launched


I got the guts enough to dive into some CMS on my church's website. Wow. Yehaw. But I must say, my work was very slim in comparison to what my friend Eric did to get the backend set up. The calendar works great, the content is very dynamic, and its all setup for people in the church to work with. Nice.

Without further ado. . . .

Check it out. While you are there, take a minute to watch the little informative movie we made to introduce people to our ministry.


The content is managed by Joomla. It is an open source system that runs pretty well once you get the hang of it. I've enjoyed experimenting with the organization and setup of it. To try it out, go here.

Any comments, likes, dislikes? Content is being added as we go, so it will get fuller and fuller as we grow into the new system.

Posted by jonkopp at January 25, 2006 05:06 PM | TrackBack