August 30, 2005

linked up along the way

Just a little heads up to something new that popped up around here today . . .


I've added a linked up along the way section to my sidebar. Alot of great reads, exciting news and nifty stuff pops into my news reader, and I thought I'd share some of it with you. The sidebar is powered by republishing an RSS feed of my list. It took a little CSS finagaling to get it to match the rest of the site, but I think I'm okay now.

While I'm on the subject of, let me just say how much I enjoy the ease of use and ability to simply bookmark, categorize and keep on browsing. Hop over there and start linking.

The links in general will fall into the categories of: Godfocused reading, cool news, Apple stuff, to be thought about, and things I think are worth a click.

Hope you enjoy.

Posted by jonkopp at August 30, 2005 04:50 PM | TrackBack