December 17, 2004

Treasure it Up

“And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” Luke 2:18-19

Christ was born and there was a hubbub in Bethlehem. Shepherds had seen angels declare the birth of a new baby Boy. Everyone that heard was wondering. But Mary, almost quietly, kept, or treasured, all these things in her heart. Why did Mary treasure these things? Remember with me, Mary was a virgin. The child she just delivered was all God’s working. Nine months earlier, Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel who foretold of Christ’s reign. What then did Mary quietly treasure when everyone else was wondering? Mary treasured the truth that Christ, her son that had just entered the world, was her Savior.

We are surrounded with hubbub this season. Stores blare every style of Christmas music, molded plastic Santas stand watch across the front of Wal-mart, and every other house on your street has Christmas lights hanging from the gutters. What is your response to all this commotion? Treasure the reason behind all the racket. The true reason. Christ, our savior…the ruler of all nations, was born.

Posted by jonkopp at December 17, 2004 01:10 PM