November 15, 2004

Fighting back...

As many of your inboxes probably know, our blogs have been getting hit by an increasing number of spam attacks. Some of them are annoying others of them reach hieghts of depravity not to be written about.

There are two small defenses I'll need each bloggers help with that should help stem the tide. The first is not using the comments popup. To make the change, open your "Main Index" template and replace this code:

<a href="<$MTCGIPath$><$MTCommentScript$>?entry_id=<$MTEntryID$>"
onclick="OpenComments(this.href); return false">Comments (<$MTEntryCommentCount$>)</a>

with this code:

<a href="<$MTEntryPermalink$>#comments">Comments (<$MTEntryCommentCount$>)</a>

If you're warry of deleting things, you can comment the code out by putting a "<!--" at the beginning and a "-->" at the end. Be sure to rebuild your Main Index template after making these changes.

The second step is to remove the "Post" button from the comment form in your Individual Archive Entry template, thereby forcing users to preview their comments before posting. To do that remove or comment out the following code:

<input style="font-weight: bold;" type="submit" name="post" value="&nbsp;Post&nbsp;" />

UPDATE: If you find that the above code is already commented out, you are probably using the common "Individual Entry Archive" template. That means, you don't need to make any changes, just rebuild your entire blog using the "Rebuild Site" button on the left in the administrator.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

There are other defenses that I have put into place in the past and some more to come. For now, please make these small changes and pray that we can make better neighbors with these fences.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at November 15, 2004 10:13 AM | TrackBack