August 10, 2004

Mine Enemies

I've been thinking alot about who my enemies are. And I've decided that because I can't see them, I forget to be aware of what effect they are having on my freedom. Gracia Burnham could see the men with guns trained on her. She could feel the rocks they threw at her. She knew in a tangible way the humiliation of their treatment. And she faced what she learned about herself while in their captivity.

Because my enemies aren't tangible, I often don't realize I am in their control, that they are limiting my freedom, abusing me, keeping me from the joy of life.

I have realized that I do have enemies that take me into captivity in much the same way Gracia and her husband were taken. They burst in unaware and demand that I go with them and they keep me bound and helpless constantly running from place to place in search of safety but never toward release.

Who are my enemies? Self-pity, desire for control, unreasonable expectations for those around me, weariness, wrong focus, covetousness, jealousy, anything that takes my eyes off Christ who gives me life and freedom.

My ransom has already been paid. These captors should have no power over me because I have already been freed from them for all eternity. But I continually allow them to have control and although the source of my release is available, I choose not to take it but continue on, slogging through the mire of the jungle of my fears, frets, and failures.

Each time I am taken captive by these very real enemies, I must face who I really am, I must turn to my Savior and allow Him to release me. I cannot release myself. I must throw myself on His mercy and salvation.

Our salvation is not only a one time for all eternity salvation. It is a daily salvation from our enemies in whose presence our God has prepared a table filled with all we need.

Posted by swy at August 10, 2004 09:47 PM


Posted by: dddd at June 2, 2008 12:22 AM
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