March 04, 2003

Learning the limits

As children we learn the limits of our world, what is too high, too far, too hard to do. As adults we learn our personal limits, what is too much, too strenous, too time consuming, to costly. But for all of us there are limits we will never learn, the limits of our Savior's love and strength and power.

We test our earthly limits daily, hourly, minute by minute. We are constantly striving to prove them wrong, to get past them, overcome them, destroy them. And in the midst of trying to re-establish our human limits, we forget to test the limits of God or we're afraid too. Afraid to test them because deep inside we know that there are none and there will be no brick wall to come up against and attempt to scale. And when we are reminded that God has no limits, we become painfully aware of our own, but instead of finding comfort in the truth of God's omniscience, we become jealous of His power, jealous because we want to be the ones in control. We want to be the ones who have no limits, who can control, predict, create, continue. Instead of resting in His almightiness, we let it rest upon us like a burden, struggling to understand it, hold it, own it.

If only we could learn that where our limits stop us short, God's limitlessness begins and continues and never ends. And it is in that limitless love and power that we find an anchor, not of our own making nor of our own understanding, but of His. And we find that the less we understand the more we must trust and the more we trust the more we find ourselves floating on the great sea of peace that is fed by the rivers of God.

Perfect peace, perfect rest, perfect limitless God.

Posted by swy at March 4, 2003 04:45 PM
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