November 19, 2005

he is gracious.

i really don't like the song "count your blessings"...but the concept is amazing. i have been so blessed of the Lord recently. so i guess i will count them off. =)

1. chemistry...(the bane of my existence and the class that i am being made to take...but hey it builds character right??) the last test i took the Lord allowed me to get a 77%!!!!!!! that is the best grade i have ever gotten in any college level science class. the Lord was amazingly gracious on that one. that raised my grade to a 71 % in the class which that is a passing grade!

2. last month i met a man who was a leader of a trip heading for England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. I sent in my application and was accepted and this summer i am going!!! a dream really come true!!!

3. i have gotten a bunch of rest the last few days and that is amazing. i got to sleep in this morning and it was wonderful.

4. i got to watch the Ohio State/Michagan game....AND WE WON!!!!!!!!!! it was a score 25 to 21!!!!!!!!! and it didn't even go into overtime! =)

Posted by hill at November 19, 2005 06:43 PM

I'm So happy for you! You're going to have an absolutely awesome experience in Europe, but only if you prepare yourself. Spend so much time on your knees and in the word. This is vital. Choose to do those two things over other seeming pleasures and God will bless you immensely. I will pray for opportunities for you. : )
Take lots of pictures.

Posted by: esther at November 21, 2005 07:32 PM

amen Esther...foreign travel isn't like it is in the movies. It can be a shock frankly..when you see the lostness and the filth that they don't portray on the big screen and in those glossy travel magazines. It's a blessing, but without the right mindset and without the prayer and time spent in the Bible, it will be meaningless.

Posted by: gwen at November 23, 2005 06:15 PM
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